Saturday, July 30, 2011

oh no the public transport in KL....

As we know KL is the heart of Malaysia, it is a place where millions of people get to work everyday to find a descent money to cost their living expenditure.With time is the assent people in KL choose the public transport where it seem to be the saviour in this modern world that is living. With traffic jams everywhere in KL, the solution for this is the public transport. But what seem to be a saviour is now a problem. 3 years when i left KL after my studies i tough that the public transport is going to improve but unfortunately it is getting worse everyday. What is happening?
3 years ago i left KL after my studies back to my home town in Ipoh with great memories about the capital of Malaysia, but it all change when i come back to KL i decided to use the public transportation yesterday to get back to my home town where i am thinking that it is cost saving because i would like to save some money and some more if i am driving i am driving alone, so it seem that it convenient for me to use the public transport. to get to my home town.
1 st when i arrive to the commuter station it has the normal view where you can see a lot of people standing to board the train to the city. The commuter train arrive and its seem that the commuter is pack so i waited for another train to board. The next train will arrive about 18 minutes from now that is what is announce at the loud speaker. I stood there and had a small laugh, it seem nothing had change when i last left this place. So the next train came and i board the train, the train have some place to sit and when the train arrive at serdang the train suddenly become so crowded that people start pushing..hmm. Than the train stop at mid valley, here situation worsening where there were people shouting to get in the train. Wow...the experience i get after 3 years of leaving KL. There were some tourist on board on the train, they were shaking their heads. I wonder what were they thinking.
After a day of walking in KL i decided to head home, also using the public transport. I thought that after the peak hours,people using the public transport would ease but the truth is far for wonderland, i can see people pushing to get trough on board the train. And the best part is that the commuter train somehow have some difficulties during on the way to KL sentral, so i need to wait about an hour for the train. What is going on, people are piling up sure the train could not support the all the people from that station because the train stops at other station too.The train stop and people start pushing to get on board, the train get pack quickly and a lot of us need to wait te next train that is schedule to arrive about 20 minutes,omg, i finally get on board on the train standing with my painful foot because of standing too long. I feel that the situation have become worse, it seem it is a disgrace for Malaysia. The KTMB management must do something to overcome the problem, this will show that the public transportation in Malaysia is not efficient. I feel pity to the frequent user of this mode of transport everyday to go to work,where they not only need to deal with their working problem but also their daily public transport problem. Not to say that the problem is not being reported, It had been aired in the television news but nothing had been done. I really hope that KTMB do some thing about this matter asap, try learn from other countries how they manage the traffic.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Leaning Tower of Teluk Intan

The leaning tower of Teluk Intan is the Malaysia equivalent of the world famous Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy. It islocated in the centre of the town of Teluk Intan, Perak. The tower is slanted leftward similar to Tower of Pisa. Itis 25.5 metres tall and from outside, it looks like a 8 storey building. In actual fact, you will find out as you go inside that the building is divided into 3 storeys.

The tower is located in the center of a square surrounded by Jalan Pasar, Jalan Selat, Jalan Bandar and Jalan Ah Cheong.

The tower was built in the year 1885 by Leong Choon Chong, a Chinese contractor and was originally used as a water tank to store portable water during dry season for the people living nearby. It is also used as a time keeper of the town as there is a huge clock on top of the tower. The clock was made by J.W. Benson of Ludgatehill London and the cost of building it was contributed by the local people. The building itself is made of bricks and wood

The pagoda style structure has been greatly influenced by Chinese architecture because the majority of the population of the town at that time was Chinese. Each storey has a height of 5 metres and you will need to go up 110 steps to reach the top of the tower. The reason for the leaning are because of the soft ground on the base of the tower and the weight of the water tank.

Getting Here

If you are using the coastal road from Kuala Lumpur, go towards the direction of Kuala Selangor. You will pass by thetown of Pasir Penampang where you can detour and have your seafood here. Further up north, you will pass the towns ofSekinchan and Sabak Bernam. Follow the signage to Teluk Intan and you will reach the leaning tower after a drive ofapproximately 2 hour plus from Kuala Lumpur.

The opening hours of the tower is 8:00am to 5:00pm from Monday to Friday and 9:00am to 6:00pm during weekends and public holidays.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sejarah yang kita tidak tahu.....(Hitler)

Oleh Azhar Abdullah

Adolf Hitler : Sudut Kisah Yang Jarang Kita Dengar

Apa yang bakal anda baca ini ialah sebuah email yang saya terima dari seorang kawan dari Arab Saudi...saya terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Melayu dan saya kongsi bersama anda semua...

Penghormatanku kepada lelaki agung, Adolf Hitler, semoga ada sepertinya di zaman ini...

Aku berbual dengan seorang ahli keluarga yang sedang menamatkan tesis PhD beliau dan aku amat terperanjat apabila beliau nyatakan tesis beliau berkaitan Adolf Hitler, pemimpin Nazi. Maka aku katakan "Takkan dah habis semua tokoh Islam di dunia ini sampai kamu memilih si bodoh ini dijadikan tajuk?"

Beliau ketawa lalu bertanya apa yang aku ketahui tentang Hitler.

Aku lalu menjawab bahawa Hitler seorang pembunuh yang membunuh secara berleluasa dan meletakkan German mengatasi segala-galanya...lalu dia bertanya dari mana sumber aku. Aku menjawab sumberku dari TV pastinya.

Lalu dia berkata : " Baiklah, pihak British telah melakukan lebih dahsyat dari itu...pihak Jepun semasa zaman Emperor mereka juga sama...tapi kenapa dunia hanya menghukum Hitler dan meletakkan kesalahan malahan memburukkan nama Nazi seolah-olah Nazi masih wujud hari ini sedangkan mereka melupakan kesalahan pihak British kepada Scotland, pihak Jepun kepada dunia dan pihak Afrika Selatan kepada kaum kulit hitam mereka?"

Aku lantas meminta jawapan dari beliau. Beliau menyambung : "Ada dua sebab -

1. Prinsip Hitler berkaitan Yahudi, Zionisme dan penubuhan negara Israel. Hitler telah melancarkan Holocaust untuk menghapuskan Yahudi kerana beranggapan Yahudi akan menjahanamkan dunia pada suatu hari nanti.

2. Prinsip Hitler berkaitan Islam. Hitler telah belajar sejarah kerajaan terdahulu dan umat yang lampau, dan beliau telah menyatakan bahawa ada tiga tamadun yang terkuat, iaitu Parsi, Rome dan Arab. Ketiga-tiga tamadun ini telah menguasai dunia satu ketika dulu dan Parsi serta Rome telah mengembangkan tamadun mereka hingga hari ini, manakala Arab pula lebih kepada persengketaan sesama mereka sahaja. Beliau melihat ini sebagai satu masalah kerana Arab akan merosakkan Tamadun Islam yang beliau telah lihat begitu hebat satu ketika dulu.

Atas rasa kagum beliau pada Tamadun Islam, beliau telah mencetak risalah berkaitan Islam dan diedarkan kepada tentera Nazi semasa perang, walaupun kepada tentera yang bukan Islam.

Beliau juga telah memberi peluang kepada tentera German yang beragama Islam untuk menunaikan solat ketika masuk waktu di mana jua...bahkan tentera German pernah bersolat di dataran Berlin dan Hitler ketika itu menunggu sehingga mereka tamat solat jemaah untuk menyampaikan ucapan beliau...

Hitler juga sering bertemu dengan para Ulamak dan meminta pendapat mereka serta belajar dari mereka tentang agama dan kisah para sahabat dalam mentadbir...

Hitler bersama Syeikh Amin Al-Husainiy

Beliau juga meminta para Sheikh untuk mendampingi tentera beliau bagi mendoakan mereka yang bukan Islam dan memberi semangat kepada yang beragama Islam untuk membunuh Yahudi...

Seorang tentera Nazi melekatkan gambar Mufti Al-Quds

Semua maklumat ini ialah hasil kajian sejarah yang dilakukan oleh saudara aku untuk tesis PhD beliau dan beliau meminta aku tidak menokok tambah apa-apa supaya tidak menyusahkan beliau untuk membentangkannya nanti. Beliau tidak mahu aku campurkan bahan dari internet kerana aku bukan pakar bidang sejarah. Tetapi gambar-gambar yang ada di sini sudah lama tersebar dan semua orang boleh melihatnya di internet.

Aku juga sedaya upaya mencari maklumat tambahan di internet dan berjumpa beberapa perkara :

1: Pengaruh Al-Quran di dalam ucapan Hitler.
Ketika tentera Nazi tiba di Moscow, Hitler berhajat menyampaikan ucapan. Dia memerintahkan penasihat-penasihatnya untuk mencari kata-kata pembukaan yang hebat tak kira dari kitab agama, kata-kata ahli falsafah ataupun dari bait syair. Seorang sasterawan Iraq yang bermastautin di German mencadangkan ayat Al-Quran :

(اقتربت الساعة وانشق القمر) bermaksud : Telah hampir Hari Kiamat dan bulan akan terbelah...

Hitler berasa kagum dengan ayat ini dan menggunakannya sebagai kalam pembukaan dan isi kandungan ucapan beliau. Memang para ahli tafsir menghuraikan bahawa ayat tersebut bermaksud kehebatan, kekuatan dan memberi maksud yang mendalam.

Perkara ini dinyatakan oleh Hitler di dalam buku beliau Mein Kampf yang ditulis di dalam penjara bahawa banyak aspek tindakan beliau berdasarkan ayat Al-Quran, khususnya yang berkaitan tindakan beliau ke atas Yahudi...

2. Hitler bersumpah dengan nama Allah yang Maha Besar

Hitler telah memasukkan sumpah dengan nama Allah yang Maha Besar di dalam ikrar ketua tenteranya yang akan tamat belajar di akademi tentera German.

" Aku bersumpah dengan nama Allah (Tuhan) yang Maha Besar dan ini ialah sumpah suci ku,bahawa aku akan mentaati semua perintah ketua tentera German dan pemimpinnya Adolf Hitler, pemimpin bersenjata tertinggi, bahawa aku akan sentiasa bersedia untuk berkorban dengan nyawaku pada bila-bila waktu demi pemimpin ku"

3. Hitler telah enggan meminum beer (arak) pada ketika beliau gementar semasa keadaan German yang agak goyah dan bermasalah. Ketika itu para doktor mencadangkan beliau minum beer sebagai ubat dan beliau enggan, sambil mangatakan " Bagaimana anda ingin suruh seseorang itu minum arak untuk tujuan perubatan sedangkan beliau tidak pernah seumur hidupnya menyentuh arak?"

Ya, Hitler tidak pernah menjamah arak sepanjang hayat beliau...minuman kebiasaan beliau ialah teh menggunakan uncang khas...

Bukanlah tujuan penulisan ini untuk membela apa yang dilakukan oleh Hitler, tetapi ianya bertujuan untuk menyingkap apa yang disembunyikan oleh pihak Barat. Semoga kita semua beroleh manfaat.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

No winners, just losers-from the star

No winners, just losers


IT’S becoming tiring for many Malaysians. We are talking about our politicians and supporters regardless of their political affiliations.

Take, for example, the organisers of Bersih 2.0. They need to realise that not all Malaysians are their fans. Not all share their beliefs and decision to stage a rally in Kuala Lumpur.

Their supporters have the right to argue and convince others that it is their constitutional right to protest but, again, do not expect everyone to share their enthusiasm.

When jazz singer Datuk Sheila Majid tweeted: “I am disappointed with all political parties, NGOs and Bersih. There are better ways to approach,” she immediately received a nasty rebuke from a PKR activist who shot her down, saying he used to respect her. She probably lost a fan because of her tweet.

There are enough people who would like to tell them that their protest was illegal and that they should know this is basic law.

Protesters should know better that when you attend a demonstration, it is not going to be a picnic. One should expect to be arrested and hauled into a Black Maria, so let’s not kid ourselves into believing that the cops would give them a red carpet welcome.

Certainly, only a politically naive person, or someone in self-denial, would believe that Datuk S. Ambiga was acting on her own.

Yes, of course, it was not politically motivated. The opposition politicians just happened to be there. Yes, they just bumped into each other at KL Hilton.

In the case of the government, many are also shaking their heads at the authorities’ sledgehammer treatment of Bersih 2.0.

Just weeks ago, not many Malaysians knew who Ambiga was. Thanks to the over-excitement of the authorities, she has become an icon overnight.

And don’t blame Malaysians for being cynical over the claims that communist elements were involved in the rally. More so when those dreamer socialists were said to have T-shirts bearing the names of dead Commie leaders.

Suddenly, Che Guevera, whom many teenagers at Pertama Complex had all this while thought was Bob Marley, was declared dangerous and subversive.

Then there was the obsession with the colour yellow. By the way, there were enough Malaysians who actually believed the Digi Man was arrested by the police, although the e-mailed picture was doctored.

But it was a funny spoof, and I wish there were enough Malaysians with a sense of humour to laugh at the fat yellow man.

Arresting people who wear yellow T-shirts with the word “Bersih” is not going to help the government win votes. Something is wrong with us if we believe revolutions can be launched by wearing yellow T-shirts with the word “Bersih”.

One need not be a rocket scientist to know the political backlash of such an action, even though there may be good security measures.

And the police, trying too hard to be friendly, put on its Facebook pictures of those detained being served with a buffet meal. There were round tables covered with tablecloth. Not bad at all, man!

No wonder there are many people who think a protest in KL is really a stroll on a weekend.

And then there was Perkasa’s Datuk Ibrahim Ali. The man is really comical. After driving enough people into a frenzy with his racist tirade, he decided to stay home. At one point, he claimed he could mobilise 15,000 people. As a face-saving gesture, he declared he would take “a stroll” at Tasik Titiwangsa. It must have been a pretty long stroll. He was probably walking around in circles.

And we can assume everyone would declare themselves winners. Bersih 2.0 will say that they managed to stage a protest despite the police locking down the city.

The authorities, too, will say that they won this round by claiming that the Bersih 2.0 crowd wasn’t as massive as they had expected.

Ibrahim Ali could also declare himself a winner as he could have successfully earned a place in the Malaysian Book of Records for taking the most number of strolls at Tasik Titiwangsa.

Umno Youth’s Patriots can also claim to be winners despite walking barely 200m before being tear-gassed and arrested.

There was another record – Anwar could still post a tweet at 4.40pm that says “undergoing CT scan for injury. Wishing #Bersih all the best.”

How he could take his mobile phone into a CT scan machine is a wonder. The Opposition leader had purportedly fallen during the protest.

Either Malaysians must be very bad in Maths or they are very good at exaggerating. The police said there were only 5,000 protesters whereas Datuk A. Samad Said said 50,000 while the pro-opposition Malaysia Chronicle news portal claimed 100,000 people.

The silat exponents turned out to be a lot of hot air in the end.

The biggest losers were the public who got stuck in horrendous traffic jams. Businesses can count their losses, vendors could not distribute their newspapers, commuters found at least eight LRT stations shut, the city’s cabbies had to stay at home and, worse, terrified city dwellers had to stock up on food unnecessarily.

And taxpayers must certainly be wondering why their money is being spent on bringing so many cops into the city – and serving a buffet meal to law-breakers at Pulapol – when they should be busy catching criminals.

It must be brought to mind that not everyone who supports Bersih 2.0 are pro-opposition. Many middle class urban voters are unhappy about many issues and it won’t hurt the government to listen to them. Don’t give up on them so they won’t give up on the government. Some concerns are legitimate ones that need fixing.

Likewise, Pakatan Rakyat should not misread today’s rally as an endorsement of the Opposition.

(For me it is just a cheap publicity but the public pay it in a very expensive price). Totally agree with the star today.....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

merah kuning....

9hb july menjadi titik tolak kepada satu sejarah terbaru yang akan memberi satu senario baru dalam dunia politik Malaysia. Apa yang menarik ialah pendekatan yang diambil oleh penyokong sesuatu perhimpunan haram. Mula sekali perlu diingatkan apakah tujuan sebenar yang ingin ditonjolkan dari demonstrasi yang ingin dijalankan di jalan-jalan raya di ibu kota.
Sebenarnya jika di lihat kepada para penganjur yang ingin menjayakan program ini tidak lai dan tidak bukan ialah ingin menkucar-kacir kan negara yang setakat aman. Jika kita melahat secara terperinci apakah tujuan, maka sebagai orang yang waras kita tidak akan terjumpa akan jawapan.
Apa yang menarik ialah fitna yang dilemparkan kepada SPR adalah tidak berasas kerana proses itu kini telah banyak ditambah baikkan. Jika dibaca terhadap apa yang dikehendaki oleh bersih tidak berasas langsung.
Pada 31 Mei dahulu pernah berlaku satu perbincangan di mana ketua pemuda dari parti politik ini berkata mereka ini memperjuangkan agama Islam dan menolak fitnah. Pada pandangan saya perkara itu perlu ditonjolkan dengan mana ahli parti politik berkenaan perlu tarik diri, ini adalah kerana perkara ini adalah fitna semata-mata. Jika dilihat kepada perolehan kerusi pembangkang pada pilihanraya lepas mereka secara bangga memenangi banyak kerusi di parliment dan juga mentadbir negeri -negeri yang belum pernah mereka kecapi dahulu. Apa lagi mahu dituntut jika ini tidak lagi dipanggil sebagai demokrasi. Sebenarnya apa yang ingin dilakukan ialah publisiti murahan oleh pengerusi perhimpunan orang kuning ini(bukan Digi). maklumlah orang ini makin dilupakan.
Satu lagi perkara bermain di pemikiran kenapakah baru sekarang mahu dilakukan perhimpunan ini, tidakkah ia perlu dilakukan bila masa selepas pilihan raya tahun 2008 dahulu. Sebagai orang yang amat cintakan keamanan, maka memang wajiblah orang Malaysia membantah perhimpunan ini kerana perkara ini tiada asas yang kukuh. Malah perhimpunan ini hanya menyusahkan rakyat awam,seperti sekatan jalan raya yang akan melambatkan perjalanan seseorang, sekatan ini perlu dilakukan atas dasar keselamatan negara. Rakyat susah untuk bergerak kemana-mana.
Banyak perkara lagi yang ingin orang kuning ini mahu di ketengahkan, tapi banyak tidak perlu dilayan kerana itu hanya menbuang masa. Cara berarak dijalanraya merupakan cara yang salah malah tidak di benarkan di dalam Islam kerana ia menganggu orang awam, jika Islam tidak membenarkan kita solat di tengah laluan apa lagi jika menghalang perjalanan orang lain di atas jalan raya....pikir-pikirkan lah